Arkansas’ fake ID is popular in part because of its upsized neighbors. You have Mississippi, Louisiana and, the largest of them all, Texas. This brings in traffic for hopeful partygoers snatching up Arkansas’ fake IDs. Let’s just say that ends up being a LOT of traffic when you add it all up. This makes for a profitable endeavor for both large and small fake ID vendors out there.

Pros of Our Arkansas ID
Arkansas has the perfect blend of live music and bars galore for the curious partygoer. This makes it more than a good place to drink and have fun. It’s a glorified nature reserve by day and clubhouse by night. The price of admission is just a fake ID if you are underaged.

Why Should You Get One?
Floating fakes can be a mixed bag, as the experience changes on the state you use it in. Arkansas can take things a little personal sometimes. Remember, this is the state that fought to put up laws to ban veggie burgers by calling them “fake meat.” Using a fake ID here is… interesting, to say the least.

When you think fake IDs, you imagine sophisticated craftsmanship to rival all others. However, as it stands, it can be easy to ruin even something so basic that your corner store could do better with. That’s been the case with lamination on these IDs from the likes of IDGod no less.
The scannable Arkansas id from comes with initials of name & DOB overlapping the photo. Photo of the cardholder is duplicated using OVD and serves a hologram.
Arkansas ID sports the infamous Pearl-Ex tri-color holograms. They are iconic enough to be a surefire sign for catching fakes and bad vendors. That’s because so many of them just botch it up badly and are printed on Polycarbonate.
GHOST WINDOW uses the technique of DMV to insert an inverted photo on the back of the Arkansas id & the window mini-photo on the front of it.
Arkansas’s id comes with multiple data that are printed with laser-raised printing. It includes customer-provided information such as signature, license-holder’s name & number.
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