

Maine is the only viable place where you can carry a fake ID and a tankard of beer all within walking distance. It has clubs like no other that cater to just about any crowd. If you want to spend a good night out, this might just be your final destination.


Pros of Our Maine ID

Despite Maine’s state ID being the most used in the past, it still stands today as a good option. It is a good option both inside and outside the state. It is also not as easy to get caught with it since it only has holograms with no UV markings.

Why Should You Get One?

The Maine state ID has an iconic sky-blue border on the top of the ID acting as a pseudo banner. However, these skies can get a little stormy on some fakes. The problem starts when the colors are too dark to fool anyone.

Flawless Features

Getting the Maine fake ID faked isn’t too impressive. It’s when you get away from the main aspects of Maine that you start seeing flaws.


The scannable Maine id from Fakeyourid comes with a real id symbol in the shape of Maine, driver’s license number with 7 digits.


A signature on a state ID is just as important as your picture or your name. When it starts resembling chicken scratches or it disappears, you have a problem.


The state name in upperletters & Maine’s state fish Atlantic Salmon & Brook trout are in the shape of holograms.


The symbols that represent Maine are in different locations which includes the state bird, lighthouse and other scenery. This is achieve using our hi-tech microprinting lasers.


Maine IDs are the OGs of bringing in profitable sales for fake ID vendors. They are relatively cheap to make with their barebones templates and there are no big security features to worry about when trying to get them just right. That translates to a lot of good news for vendors.

The state has had a few run-ins in the past with fakes. In fact, Maine has taken things into its own hands to prepare for something like this. It has gone so far as planning out a surveillance system to track its citizens.

Maine is not too tough on law enforcement of fakes, yet. There haven’t been a lot of incidents to make them think otherwise. However, the state is investing in citizen surveillance tech, so that might change in a few years. For now, you can stay under the radar easily without getting caught.


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