Pros of Our Idaho ID
One of the noticeable pros of the Idaho fake ID is that it is not a gargantuan task to replicate it. That makes it easy to get a well-made ID. Even some of the smaller vendors get it good enough, which adds to its reliability.

Why Should You Get One?
Pay bottom dollar for your fakes and you’ll be treated to something unbelievable…literally! See, some Alabama fakes out there just take artistic vision to do their colors differently from the real thing. A LOT different.

Precise Features
Does brown abbreviate to BRW, BRN, or BRO? Is black written as BLK, BLA, or BCK? On some Idaho fakes, I guess we will never know. That’s because they manage to have the wrong abbreviations to details like hair color and eye color.
The scannable Idaho id from Fakeyourid.com comes with a real id symbol. The system generates six numericals & three letter driving license number for the Idaho id.
On the Idaho ID, there is a very noticeable state seal on the front of the card. Fakes manage to reproduce its look well, but where they struggle with is placement. On the ID, the seal has to be placed in a specific place above the picture, which isn’t always done well with fakes.
The Idaho state outline serve as hologram. The duplicate inverted photo on the back is inserted in the shape of the state.
The iconic Idaho state Mountain bluebird as UV feature.
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