

Virginia is somewhat of a new ground for fake IDs as regular as a Saturday evening. The state is popular for the crazy never-ending party with plenty of beachfront bars, raves, chill hangout spots, and much more. After all, could you expect any less from the state that tried to junk freedom of speech?


7/25/2024: You will now receive the newer version of the Virginia driver’s license as released in 2024.

Pros of Our Virginia ID

Virginia is a good state as any when it comes to sales. People going for the DC area will likely be getting Virginia IDs for their misadventures. Folks might even get them to visit the northern parts of the state.

Why Should You Get One?

Virginia fakes cover good ground for the southeastern portion of the US. From Pennsylvania all the way down to Georgia, you have good chances of passing this ID. You might even get a shot at passing it in Florida.

Inverted Font

We carefully print the inverted font on our Virginia ids. There are many ways to make text unreadable. You can use a garbage font, bad printing machine, wrong font size, or weird formatting. A select few Virginia fake IDs take the cake by writing details on top of another text, giving it a new level of unreadability that you probably haven’t seen before.


The scannable Virginia id from Fakeyourid comes with a real id symbol and laminated holograms. Our system may generate out of state address for this id. With a custom driver’s license number and a scannable barcode; this id will scan anywhere.


The new card prints on Polycarbonate. We use high-grade substances to print all ids unlike our competitors using low-grade Teslin.


Virginia ids are popular for having window features. The DMV introduced the first duplicate photo feature using OVD.


The DMV logo and mini portrait in UV with multiple backside features.


The REAL ID variant for Virginia has that characteristic star on the upper right corner. In most states, this star is yellow, but on the Virginia ID, both can be used. Yet, fake ID vendors miss this key detail and make it yellow anyway.

Virginia police have mostly made arrests related to fake ID makers and distributors. When it comes to fake ID users, they tend to not get too wrapped up. At best, you might get off with a confiscation and warning. At worst, you will have a citation staring you down. Bar owners might place a call to the local PD to get you to bounce, but that’s as bad as it will get.

Flaws for Virginia fake IDs sit on a sliding scale. They can be anywhere from minor inconsistencies to tell-tale symptoms.


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